Wald + Asphalt Logo

in cooperation with Anita Hunke and Johanna Marin

  • Potsdam in Bewegung - Akademy
  • Logo designs
  • Vectorize
  • Logo customization

Design threesome

In the Art du Déplacement / Parkour community of Potsdam there were some people interested in the design of the logo for the event. So for the first time I had a collaboration with two other artists. It was rarely easy to combine the different styles of different artists in one logo. While Anita Hunke mostly tried to bring in simple, roundish, playful shapes, my style can be described more as angular, rhombic, with a symbolic character. Accordingly, Johanna Marin threw around different fonts in order to somehow please both. It was a difficult birth, but in the end everyone could find themselves in the logo. Johanna Marin with a playfully applied, but still clearly structured, straight-lined lettering, Anita Hunke designed all the following print media, such as flyers, stickers and posters and I was happy to have realized the cuboid graphic.

What was the artist thinking?

In my eyes, as a traceur, I see the many cuboids as typical obstacles in Parkour / Art du Déplacement. Much of what we overcome has roughly this shape. At the same time, the arrangement of these structures also looks like a big city, our usual training environment. And finally arrows to express movement and play.

In the development process there were many other ideas, which after initial feedback, were then not pursued further and refined. Personally, I liked the logo combination with icons, which could have been used very well in the flyer layout. Maybe you have an application for this idea? Write me ASAP!


Let's inspire people with your project

Please let me know the times that work best for you regarding our getting-to-know-you-call, and if there’s anything you’d like to clarify beforehand.

    Would you travel to...

    Yes, I’d love to. I truly enjoy traveling and have a genuine passion for exploring new places around the world. If the project requires travel, I would be more than happy to make the necessary arrangements to ensure its success.

    or click here to send an e-mail.
